As shown above, bridge set 1 and bridge set 2 in the system are active. The
information of each bridge set includes two parts: configure and interface.
display bridge traffic
Syntax display bridge traffic [ bridge-set bridge-set | dlsw | interface interface-type
interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameters bridge-set: Displays the statistics information about bridged traffic in the specified
bridge set. bridge-set must be an integer in the range of 1 to 255.
dlsw: Displays the statistics information of bridged traffic that has passed the
DLSw module.
interface-type interface-number: Displays the statistics information about bridged
traffic that has passed the specified interface.
Description Use the
display bridge traffic command to view the statistic information about
bridged traffic.
If no parameter is provided, this command displays the statistics about all the
bridged traffic on the device.
Example # View the statistics information about bridged traffic that has passed
<Sysname> display bridge traffic interface ethernet 1/0
the statistic of interface Ethernet1/0 in bridge set 1 :
10 total, 1 bpdu, 2 single,
0 multi, 0 broadcast;
0 ip,0 ipx, 0 other protocol;
0 eth2, 0 snap,
0 dlsw, 0 other,
0 vlan;
0 total, 0 bpdu, 0 single,
0 multi, 0 broadcast;
0 ip, 0 ipx, 0 other protocol;
Table 91 Description on the fields of the display bridge information command
Field Description
configure Configuration properties of this bridge set. For example, the
“configuration” part of bridge set 1 indicates that bridge set 1 can
bridge IP packets, it cannot bridge IPX packets, and it can
dynamically learn MAC addresses
interface Interfaces in this bridge sets and their status, where up represents
that the interface is active, while “down” represents that the
interface is inactive. Bridging is possible only between active
interfaces in the same bridge set.