Example # Set the size of the sliding window of the MFR bundle interface MFR4 to be 8.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface mfr 4
[Sysname-MFR4] mfr window-size 8
Syntax shutdown
undo shutdown
View Frame relay switching view
Parameter None
Description Use the
shutdown command to disable the current switching PVC.
Use the undo shutdown command to enable the current switching PVC.
By default, the switching PVC is enabled.
Example # Create a PVC named pvc1 on the DCE serving as the switch, which is from the
DLCI 100 of Serial 2/0 to the DLCI 200 of Serial 2/1 and disable the current
switching PVC.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fr switching
[Sysname] fr switch pvc1 interface serial 2/0 dlci 100 interface ser
ial 2/1 dlci 200
[Sysname-fr-switching-pvc1] shutdown
reset fr inarp
Syntax reset fr inarp
View User view
Parameter None
Description Use the
reset fr inarp command to clear the address mapping established by
inverse ARP.
In some special cases, for example, when the network architecture changes, the
dynamic address maps originally established will become invalid. Hence it is
necessary to establish them again. Users can use this command to clear all the
dynamic address maps.
Related command: fr inarp.