Parameter ipv6-source-address: Displays the information of the IPv6 unicast route to a
particular IPv6 multicast source. If you do not provide this argument, this
command will display the information about all IPv6 unicast routes used by IPv6
Description Use the
display pim ipv6 claimed-route command to view the information of
IPv6 unicast routes used by IPv6 PIM.
If an (S, G) is marked SPT, this (S, G) entry uses an IPv6 unicast route.
Example # View the information of all IPv6 unicast routes used by IPv6 PIM.
<Sysname> display pim ipv6 claimed-route
RPF information about: 2001::2
RPF interface: Ethernet1/0, RPF neighbor: FE80::A01:100:1
Referenced prefix/prefix length: 2001::/64
Referenced route type: igp
RPF-route selecting rule: preference-preferred
The (S, G) or (*, G) list dependent on this route entry
(2001::2, FF03::101)
display pim ipv6 control-message counters
Syntax display pim ipv6 control-message counters [ message-type { probe | register |
register-stop } | [ interface interface-type interface-number | message-type { assert |
bsr | crp | graft | graft-ack | hello | join-prune | state-refresh }] *]
View Any view
Parameter probe: Displays the number of null register messages.
register: Displays the number of register messages.
register-stop: Displays the number of register-stop messages.
interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the number of IPv6 PIM
control messages on the specified interface.
assert: Displays the number of assert messages.
bsr: Displays the number of bootstrap messages.
Table 355 Description on the fields of the display pim ipv6 claimed-route command
Field Description
RPF interface: RPF interface type and number
RPF neighbor: IP address of the RPF neighbor
Referenced prefix/prefix length: Address/mask of the reference route
Referenced route type: Type of the referenced route
RPF-route selecting rule: Rule of RPF route selection
The (S,G) or (*,G) list dependent on this route
(S,G) or (*, G) entries using this route