display voice cmc
Syntax display voice cmc { ccb | statistic [ all | em | h323 | iva | lgs | r2 | sip | tmrout | vim ]}
View Any view
Parameter ccb: Displays the call control block of CMC module
statistic: Displays statistics information related to CMC module.
all: Displays all statistics information related to CMC module.
em: Displays EM module information related to CMC module.
h323: Displays H.323 module information related to CMC module.
iva: Displays IVA module information related to CMC module.
lgs: Displays relevant LGS module information related to CMC module.
r2: Displays R2 module information related to CMC module.
sip: Displays SIP module information related to CMC module.
tmrout: Displays timeout information of the timer in CMC module.
vim: Displays VIM module information related to CMC module.
Description Use the
display voice cmc command to display messages which are related to
CMC module. These messages mainly contain call control block messages and
statistic messages, in which statistic messages can be classified and displayed
according to the type of messages and the interaction with surrounding modules.
Example # Display the information of the call control block of CMC module.
<Sysname> display voice cmc ccb
The CMC Module Call Control Block Information!
*************** CCB[1] ***************
GblCallID : 0x10000
CalledAddr : 2961
CalledAddrSubst : 2961
Table 675 Description on fields of the display voice call-info command
Field Description
ViIfIndex Index of the voice interface from which the call is originated
Module ID ID of a voice module that the call passes through
Call direction Call direction of the call
Number of times of referencing the call information table of a call
entity Voice entity involved in the call.