Parameters level-1: Configures the router to work on Level-1, which means it only calculates
routes within the area, and maintains the L1 LSDB.
level-1-2: Configures the router to work on Level-1-2, which means it calculates
routes and maintains the LSDBs for both L1 and L2.
level-2: Configures the router to work on Level-2, which means it calculates
routes and maintains the LSDB for L2 only.
Description Use the
is-level command to configure IS-IS router type.
Use the undo is-level command to restore the default.
The default router type is level-1-2.
It is recommended to configure system level when you configure IS-IS.
You can configure all the routers as either Level-1 or Level-2 if there is only one
area, because there is no need for all routers to maintain two identical databases
at the same time. In this case, you are recommended to configure all the routers as
Level-2 in the IP network for scalability consideration.
Related commands: isis circuit-level.
Examples # Configure the router to work in Level-1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] is-level level-1
Syntax is-name sys-name
undo is-name
View IS-IS view
Parameters symbolic-name: Specifies a name for the local IS, a string of 1 to 64 characters.
Description Use the
is-name command to enable the dynamic hostname process and
configure a name for the router, which is advertised in an LSP.
Use the
undo is-name command to remove the configuration.
No IS name is configured by default.
Examples # Configure a name for the local IS.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] is-name RUTA