display rmon prialarm
Syntax display rmon prialarm [ entry-number ]
View Any view
Parameter entry-number: Private alarm entry index, in the range 1 to 65535. If no entry is
specified, the configuration of all private alarm entries is displayed.
Description Use the
display rmon prialarm command to display the configuration of the
specified or all private alarm entries.
Related command: rmon prialarm.
Example # Display the configuration of all private alarm entries.
<Sysname> display rmon prialarm
Prialarm table 5 owned by user1 is UNDERCREATION.
Samples type : changeratio
Variable formula : ((.
Description : ifUtilization.GigabitEthernet1/0
Sampling interval : 10(sec)
Rising threshold : 892340484(linked with event 1)
Falling threshold : 889783312(linked with event 2)
When startup enables : risingOrFallingAlarm
This entry will exist : forever
Latest value : 0
utilization Bandwidth utilization during the sampling period
Table 611 Description on the fields of the display rmon history command
Field Description
Table 612 Description on the fields of the display rmon prialarm command
Field Description
Prialarm table Index of the prialarm table
owned by Owner of the entry, user1 in this example
VALID Status of the entry identified by the index (VALID means the entry is
valid, and UNDERCREATION means invalid. You can use the display
rmon command to view the invalid entry and with the display
current-configuration and display this commands you cannot
view the corresponding rmon commands.)
Samples type Samples type
Variable formula Variable formula
Sampling interval Sampling interval
Rising threshold Alarm rising threshold. An alarm event is triggered when the
sampled value is greater than or equal to this threshold.
Falling threshold Alarm falling threshold. An alarm event is triggered when the
sampled value is less than or equal to this threshold.
linked with event Event index associated with the prialarm