<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] traffic behavior database
[Sysname-behavior-database] remark mpls-exp 2
remark qos-local-id
Syntax remark qos-local-id local-id-value
undo remark qos-local-id
View Traffic behavior view
Parameters local-id-value: Remarked QoS local ID value, in the range 1 to 4095.
Description Use the
remark qos-local-id command to configure the qos-local-id value of
remarked packet.
Use the
undo remark qos-local-id command to delete the qos-local-id value of
remarked packet.
By default, no qos-local-id value of remarked packet is configured.
Related commands: qos policy, traffic behavior, classifier behavior.
Examples # Configure the qos-local-id value of remarked packet to 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] traffic behavior database
[Sysname-behavior-database] remark qos-local-id 2
traffic behavior
Syntax traffic behavior behavior-name
undo traffic behavior behavior-name
View System view
Parameters behavior-name: Behavior name, a string of characters in the range 1 to 31.
Description Use the
traffic behavior command to define a traffic behavior and enter the
behavior view.
Use the
undo traffic behavior command to delete a traffic behavior.
behavior-name shall not be the traffic behavior pre-defined by the system. The
traffic behaviors defined by the system include ef, af, and be.
Related commands: qos policy, qos apply policy (interface view), classifier behavior.