
SYSTem Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
<seconds> Must be a <numeric_value> The second value is rounded to
the nearest second in the range of 0 to 60. A number of 60 is allowed since
rounding may cause a number greater than 59.5 to be rounded to 60. When this
element is rounded to 60 it is set to 0, and the minute value is incremented.
Carries that advance the time past 24 hours are rippled through the date.
Query: syst:time? returns three number fields separated by commas.
<hour> is a NR1 format number from 0 to 23.
<minute> is a NR1 format number from 0 to 59.
<second> is a NR1 format number from 0 to 60.
*RST: The time setting of the AM700 is not affected by *RST.
Usage: Query only that returns the SCPI version supported: 1994.0.