
SOURce:FUNCtion Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce:FUNCtion Subsystem
Usage: The FUNCtion subsystem controls the shape and attributes of the output signal
of the AM700 internal signal generator. The switch settings provided by this
function are not horizontally compatible and represent what the source can be
configured to generate directly. Most of the generated signals are selected using
the SOURce:FUNCtion:SHAPe <source-shape> command. FUNCtion:MODE
is omitted as the only <source_mode> is VOLTage.
Listed with each <source-shape> (signal) is a description of each user-adjustable
parameter. It is important to remember that there are a number of parameters in the
SOURce: subsystem, but only a few are meaningful at any time. depending on the
signal being generated.
Additionally, the parameter bindings (if any) for the AMPLITUDE and FREQUEN-
CY knobs of the AM700 Generator are given.
Suffixes: SOURce1 Analog generator HR A
SOURce2 Analog generator HR B
SOURce3 Analog generator HB A
SOURce4 Analog generator HB B
SOURce5 Digital generator DSF 1
SOURce6 Digital generator DSF 2
SOURce7 Digital Signal Processor A
SOURce8 Digtial Signal Processor B
SOURce[1–2]:DITHer:TYPE RECTangular|TRIangular|NONE
Usage: Selects the shape of the dither applied to the signal of the designated source.
Setting the dither applies for both High Resolution analog generators. Dither
cannot be applied to the High Bandwidth generators. Note: Dither cannot be set
to NONE using remote control commands.
Query: SOUR[1–2]:DITH:TYPE? returns the current setting for dither type.
*RST: Set dither type to RECTANGULAR.