DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Turns off all notifier windows that occur in the display to show a warning or
provide some item of information about some event.
Query: No query for this command. The associated DISP:WIND98:STAT? query is
used to determine if a notifier window is displayed.
*RST: All notifiers are removed from the display.
Usage: Turns off the last notifier window that occurs in the display to show a warning
or provide some item of information about some event. If more than one
notifier is displayed, a second use of this command then turns off the next to
last notifier window in the display. Use the DISP:WIND98:DISM:[ALL]
command to turn off all the notifiers.
Query: No query for this command. The associated DISP:WIND98:STAT? query is
used to determine if a notifier window is displayed.
DISPlay[:WINDow[1–4]]:FEED[1-10] <data_handle>
Example: DISP:WIND2:FEED2 'AMEasure2'.
FEED[1–10] are supported, but normally FEED1 and FEED2 will be used.
<data_handle> for the FEED are the names of outputs the short cut
measurements: AMEasure1 and AMEasure2. From the front panel, the feeds
will always be FEED1 'AME1' and FEED2 'AME2', but the SCPI commands
permit you to alter that selection.
Query: DISP:WIND[1–4]:FEED[1|2]?
*RST: Sets Analyzer Wind1 Feed1 to 'ame1' and Wind2 Feed2 to 'ame2'
Monitor —Wind3 Feed 1 to 'ame1' and Wind4 Feed1 to 'ame2'
DIT—Wind1 Feed1 to 'ame1', Wind2 Feed1 to 'ame2', Wind3 Feed1 to
'ame3’, and Wind4 Feed1 to 'ame4'.