17 - 6
No. Section Contents of Display
3) D-Link Info
Total of L-Sta:
Indicates the maximum number of the stations to be linked.
The maximum number is defined by common parameters.
Largest Nrm Sta:
Indicates the station number of the largest station that is
connected in a normal condition.
Largest DL-Sta:
Indicates the station number of the largest station that is data-
Com Status:
Show the current communications status of the own station.
(D–Link in prog, D–Link Stop (A), D–Link Stop (H), B–Pass
excut, Disconnection, Testing, Reset. in prgr.)
Causes of Ssp:
Indicates the causes why the communications were
interrupted. This indicates "OK" if communications is in a
normal condition. (Normal, Offline, Offline Test, Others (error
Causes of Stop:
Indicates the causes why the data link was stopped. This
indicate "OK" if the data link is in a normal condition. (No
common para, Host Para error, Instructed by Other Station (n
station), Essential Parameter Not Matched, Instructed by Host
Station, Improper I/O Allocation, Instructed by All Stations (n
stations), Others (error codes))
4) Constant LS
Constant LS:
Indicates the predetermined time of constant link scans.
5) LoopBK Info
Shows the status of the primary loop lines of the own station.
(Normal/LoopBK Trans/D-Link Impo)
Shows the status of the secondary loop lines of the own
station. (Normal/LoopBK Trans/D-Link Impo)
FLoop Back Station: Indicates the station number of a station
that executes the loopback along the primary loop.
RLoop Back Station: Indicates the station number of a station
that executes the loopback along the secondary loop.
# of Loop Switching:
Indicates the cumulative number of times for which loops
have been switched.
* "---" is displayed when coaxial bus connections are