Features of the Program
The program can automatically create a printout similar to the test records at the
back of this chapter.
The program can beep when equipment connections need to be changed.
The program can start the test sequence at any test in the operation verification or
performance test list.
The program can stop after each measurement or alternatively, only if a failure
The program can be run in manual mode.
Test Duration
In semiautomated mode, the operation verification tests require approximately
hours and the performance tests require approximately
Calibration Cycle
To verify the Agilent 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer is meeting its
published specifications, do the performance tests every 12 months.
Recommended Test Equipment
The equipment needed for operation verification and performance tests is listed
on page 1-18. Other equipment may be substituted for the recommended
model if it meets or exceeds the listed critical specifications.
Also, if you want the test record to be automatically printed, you need an GPIB
printer. If you want the printer to automatically leave top and bottom margins
on every page, enable perforation skip mode (see your printer’s manual for
directions). If you do not have an GPIB printer you must record the results of
each test in the test records. These test records may be reproduced without
written permission of Agilent Technologies.
Agilent 35670A Verifying Specifications