Configuration and Use Manual 49
Configuring Inputs
Configuring System Data Configuring APIConfiguring InputsConfiguring Security & Language
4. If your gas is not listed, you must describe its properties.
a. Select the
Enter Other Gas Property radio button.
b. Select the method that you will use to describe its properties:
Molecular Weight, Specific
Gravity Compared to Air
, or Density.
c. Provide the required information. Note that if you selected
Density, you must enter the
value in the configured density units and you must provide the temperature and pressure at
which the density value was determined, using the configured temperature and pressure
5. Click
6. Verify the reference temperature and reference pressure. If these are not appropriate for your
application, click
Change Reference Conditions and enter new values for reference
temperature and reference pressure.
7. Click
Next. The calculated standard density value is displayed.
• If the value is correct, click
Finish. The value will be written to transmitter
• If the value is not correct, click
Back and modify input values as required.
Note: The Gas Wizard displays density, temperature, and pressure in the configured units. If required,
you can configure the transmitter to use different units.
Special units
If you need to use a non-standard unit of measure, you can create one special measurement unit for
mass flow, one special measurement unit for liquid volume flow, and one special measurement unit
for standard gas volume flow.
Note: If you create a special measurement unit for liquid volume flow and another for gas standard
volume flow, the Series 3000 will store both definitions. However, only one is available at a time.
Special measurement units consist of:
• Base unit – a combination of:
- Base mass or base volume unit – a measurement unit that the transmitter already
recognizes (e.g., kg, m
- Base time unit – a unit of time that the transmitter already recognizes (e.g., seconds, days)
• Conversion factor – the number by which the base unit will be divided to convert to the special
• Special unit – a non-standard volume flow or mass flow unit of measure that you want to be
reported by the transmitter
These terms are related by the following formula:
x BaseUnit(s)[]y SpecialUnit(s)[]=
x BaseUnit(s)[]
y SpecialUnit(s)[]