122 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
Ticket Formatting and Printing
15.4.2 Printing
Batch tickets can be printed in several ways:
• Automatically, when the batch ends or when a discrete event occurs
• Manually, using the display or a discrete input
Note: Information in this section applies only to batch tickets that are not used as custody transfer
tickets. For information on printing batch tickets used as custody transfer tickets, see Section 15.5.2
for batch (NTEP) tickets, or Section 15.6.2 for batch (OIML) tickets.
Auto print
To print batch tickets automatically when the batch target is reached, configure the Auto Print and
Number of Tickets parameters as required (see Table 15-4).
To print batch tickets from the display, use the
PRINT button. The PRINT button appears only when
the batch is ended; it does not appear when the batch is stopped.
Discrete input or discrete event
You can configure the Series 3000 device so that a batch ticket is printed whenever a discrete input is
activated or a discrete event occurs. This ticket can include one or several screens in addition to the
batch screen; all assigned screens will be printed. To do this:
1. From the Digital Communication menu (see Figure 15-1), select
Configure RS-485, then
Discrete Inputs.
2. Using the
Print Screen option, select the discrete input or discrete event to which you will
assign screens.
3. Using the
Screens to Print option, specify the screens that will be printed when the specified
discrete input is activated or the discrete event occurs. You may specify as many screens as
Table 15-4 Ticket parameters for batch tickets
Variable Default Description
Pre header codes
Post footer codes
None Printer control codes. Enter any control codes required by your
printer, e.g., form feed.
Header line 1
Header line 2
Text Blank (no text) Enter the text for this line of the header or for the footer.
You may enter up to 22 characters. Scroll as required to view all
Line feeds 1 line Enter 1, 2, or 3. This parameter controls the space between the
current line and the following line.
Font size Normal height Select normal height or double height.
(1) Not all printers are capable of double height. If double height is configured but the printer cannot print double height, normal height
will be used.
Number of
1 The number of batch tickets to be printed by the Auto Print
function (if Auto Print is enabled) or by a manual print request.
Auto print No • Select Yes if you want batch tickets to be printed automatically at
the end of each batch. Tickets will be printed only if the target
has been reached and flow is stopped.
• Select No if you do not want tickets to be printed automatically at
the end of each batch.