180 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
Measurement Performance
21.2.1 Meter verification
Meter verification applies only to the Model 3500 and Model 3700 transmitters. To use meter
verification, the transmitter must be connected to an enhanced core processor and the meter
verification option must have been ordered.
Meter verification evaluates the structural integrity of the sensor tubes by comparing current tube
stiffness to the stiffness measured at the factory. Stiffness is defined as the load per unit deflection, or
force divided by displacement. Because a change in structural integrity changes the sensor’s response
to mass and density, this value can be used as an indicator of measurement performance. Changes in
tube stiffness are typically caused by erosion, corrosion, or tube damage.
Note: Micro Motion recommends that you perform meter verification on a regular basis.
There are two versions of the meter verification application: the original version and Micro Motion
Smart Meter Verification. Table 21-1 lists requirements for the original version and Smart Meter
Verification. Table 21-2 provides a comparison of the two versions.
Note: If you are running an older version of ProLink II or the Communicator device description, you
will not be able to access the additional features in Smart Meter Verification. If you are running an
updated version of ProLink II or the Communicator with the original version of meter verification,
the meter verification procedures will be slightly different from the procedures shown here.
Table 21-1 Version requirements for meter verification application
Requirement type
Meter verification application
Original version Smart Meter Verification
Transmitter v7.0 v8.0 and later
Enhanced core processor
(1) The standard core processor does not support meter verification.
v3.0 v3.6 and later
ProLink II requirements v2.5 v2.9
HART DD requirements 375 Field Communicator device rev 7,
DD rev 1
375 Field Communicator device rev 8,
DD rev 1
Table 21-2 Comparison of meter verification features and functions: original version vs. Smart Meter
Feature or function
Meter verification application
Original version Smart Meter Verification
Process interruption No need to halt flow No need to halt flow
Measurement interruption Three minutes. Outputs go to:
• Last Measured Value
• Configured Fault Value
User option:
• Continue Measurement. Measurement is
not interrupted. Test requires
approximately 90 seconds.
• Last Measured Value. Outputs fixed and
measurement interrupted for
approximately 140 seconds.
• Configured Fault Value. Outputs fixed
and measurement interrupted for
approximately 140 seconds.
Result storage Test results stored only for tests run with
ProLink II, and stored on the PC
Twenty most recent results stored on the
transmitter, independent of tool used to
perform the procedure. For tests run with
ProLink II, additional result data stored on