92 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
Configuring the Discrete Batch Application
11.7.1 Special cases in batch control
There are two common situations in batch control that may require special configuration:
• Cleaning/purging the sensor tubes
In normal processing, the batch totalizer increments whenever flow through the sensor tubes is
detected. If you will want to run fluid through the tubes without incrementing the totalizer,
assign a discrete input to the Inhibit Totalizer function.
• Ending the batch while flow is present
In normal processing, you cannot end a batch while flow is present. If you may need to end a
batch while flow is present, assign a discrete input to the Inhibit Flow function.
Inhibit totalizer Turns ON Batch totalizer stops incrementing.
• If the Time Out batch control option is set to
0, no time out alarm will be posted.
• If the Time Out batch control option is set to a
non-zero value, a time out alarm will be
posted if the time out period expires before
batch totalizing resumes.
While ON Batch totalizer does not increment.
Turns OFF Resumes incrementing.
While OFF Batch totalizer increments if flow is detected,
whether or not a batch is running.
Reset Turns ON Batch total reset to 0.
Turns OFF No action taken.
Resume Turns ON Resumes current batch.
Turns OFF No action taken.
Start Turns ON Begins new batch.
Turns OFF No action taken.
Stop Turns ON Pauses current batch. Batch can be resumed.
Turns OFF No action taken.
Increment preset Turns ON Sets the batcher to use the next enabled preset
for the next batch.
Works only if a batch is not running.
Turns OFF No action taken.
Inhibit flow
Turns ON Batch totalizer stops incrementing.
While ON Batch totalizer does not increment. The batch
in progress remains active, and will end when
the batch time out is reached or when an END
command is received.
Turns OFF Resumes incrementing.
While OFF Batch totalizer increments.
(1) Does not work during AOC calibration.
Table 11-5 Discrete event/discrete input states and batch control functions continued
Batch control function Discrete event/discrete input Result