Configuration and Use Manual 159
Operation Mode – Batch Totalizers and InventoriesOperation Mode – Custody TransferOperation Mode
Chapter 19
Operation Mode – Custody Transfer
19.1 About this chapter
This chapter explains how to use and manage the custody transfer application. The following topics
are discussed:
• Identifying a security breach – see Section 19.2
• General differences between secured versus unsecured states – see Section 19.3
• Using custody batch (NTEP) – see Section 19.4
• Using custody transfer (OIML) and custody transfer (OIML/batch) – see Section 19.5
• Clearing a security breach – see Section 19.6
• Reconfiguring the Series 3000 device – see Section 19.7
• Audit trail – see Section 19.8
The custody transfer application must be configured for the system that will be used. See Chapter 14
for information on configuring the custody transfer application.
19.2 Identifying a security breach
It is useful to distinguish between data security and legal security. Data security is present if the
custody transfer switch is in the ON position and there is no “Security Breach” banner on the
Series 3000 display. However, legal security requires data security plus an intact weights and
measures seal.
For custody transfer use, legal security is required. Therefore, a security breach is present if either of
the following is true:
• Visual inspection shows that the weights and measures seal is broken or missing.
• The Series 3000 device has detected a security breach and posted the “Security Breach”
banner on the display.
Note: The “Security breach” and “Not a legal receipt” banners will also be printed on batch (NTEP)
tickets or batch (OIML) tickets, but not on transfer (OIML) tickets.
If a security breach is present, security cannot be guaranteed, and Series 3000 data cannot be used to
meet weights and measures requirements. To clear a security breach, see Section 19.6.
19.3 Secured versus unsecured
In general, when the Series 3000 device is secured, the operator can run a batch and view process
data, but cannot change device configuration. When the device is unsecured, configuration changes
are permitted but other device behavior changes to indicate the unsecured status.
Table 19-1 provides a detailed list of changes to specific features or functions when the custody
transfer application is installed and the Series 3000 device is either secured or unsecured.