Agilent Technologies E4406A VSA Satellite Radio User Manual

46 Chapter 1
Preparing for Use
Writing Your First Program
Writing Your First Program
When the instrument has been connected to a computer, the computer
can be used to send instrument instructions to make fast, repeatable
measurements. A variety of different programming languages,
computer types, and interface buses can be used for this process. The
following section describes some basic steps for making a measurement
NOTE Remember that in any type programming using LAN you should avoid
constantly opening and closing connections. This uses up processing
resources, adds to your system overhead, and can cause problems with
asynchronous implementation of successive commands. When you are
sending the instrument multiple commands: open the connection, send
all the commands, and close the connection.
Three Basic Steps in a Measurement
Programming a Measurement
General recommendations for writing a measurement program:
Include comment lines in your program to describe what is
happening at each point. The way you include comment lines is
dependent on the controller and the programming language that you
are using.
Step Tasks (SCPI Command Subsystem)
1. Set system
Printer setup (HCOPy)
I/O & addressing (SYSTem)
Display configuration (DISPlay)
Data formatting (FORMat)
Status and errors (*IEEE and STATus)
2. Select mode & setup
Mode selection (INSTrument:SELect)
Standard selection (SENSe:RADio)
RF channel (SENSe:CHANnel)
Frequency (SENSe:FREQuency)
Triggering (TRIGger)
Input (INPut)
3. Select measurement
& setup measurement
Measurement selection (MEASure)
Meas control/restart (INITiate)
Markers (CALCulate:<meas>:MARKer)
Averaging (SENSe:<meas>:AVERage)
Bandwidth (SENSe:<meas>:BWIDth)
FFT & meas window (SENSe:<meas>:FFT)