Agilent Technologies E4406A VSA Satellite Radio User Manual

216 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALibration Subsystem
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Align Subsystem, RF
Turn Background Calibration Corrections Off
:CALibration:CORRections 0|1|OFF|ON
When set to OFF deactivates background flatness and IF gain
alignments, for which nominal values are substituted. Several video
shift gain corrections are set to zero, including absolute gain err, gain
err vs attenuation, and RF flatness err vs frequency. The IF gain DAC
is not compensated to adjust for prefilter gain but is set to a nominal
value. Typically used to facilitate troubleshooting.
Factory Preset
and *RST: ON
Front Panel Access:
System, Alignment, Corrections
Calibration Display Detail
Controls the amount of detail shown on the display while the alignment
routines are running. The routines run faster if the dieplay level is off,
so they do not have to update the display.
Off - displays no trace points
Low - displays every 10th trace
High - displays every trace
Factory Preset
and *RST: Low
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Visible Align
Align the Image Filter Circuitry
Align the eight image filter tuning DACs.