
268 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MEASure Group of Commands
Channel Power Measurement
This measures the total rms power in a specified integration
bandwidth. You must be in the Basic, cdmaOne, cdma2000, W-CDMA
(3GPP), or W-CDMA (Trial & Arib) mode to use these commands. Use
INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
The general functionality of CONFigure, FETCh, MEASure, and READ
are described at the beginning of this section. See the SENSe:CHPower
commands for more measurement related commands.
History: Added to Basic mode, version A.03.00 or later
Front Panel
Measure, Channel Power
After the measurement is selected, press Restore Meas
to restore factory defaults.
Measurement Results Available
n Results Returned
0 Returns unprocessed I/Q trace data, as a series of comma-separated trace
points, in volts. The I values are listed first in each pair, using the 0
through even-indexed values. The Q values are the odd-indexed values.
not specified or n=1 Returns 2 comma-separated scalar results:
1. Channel Power is a floating point number representing the total
channel power in the specified integration bandwidth.
2. PSD (Power Spectral Density) is the power (in dBm/Hz) in the
specified integration bandwidth.
2 Returns comma-separated floating point numbers that are the captured
trace data of the power (in dBm/resolution BW) of the signal. The
frequency span of the captured trace data is specified by the
Span key.