
Chapter 5 289
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Remarks: With measurement type set at (TPR) total power
reference, 1.40 MHz is sometimes used. Using
1.23 MHz will give a power that is very nearly identical
to the 1.40 MHz value, and using 1.23 MHz will also
yield the correct power spectral density with
measurement type set at (PSD) reference. However, a
setting of 1.40 MHz will not give the correct results
with measurement type set at PSD reference.
You must be in Basic, cdmaOne, cdma2000, W-CDMA
(3GPP), W-CDMA (Trial & Arib), iDEN mode to use
this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the
Adjacent Channel PowerDynamic Range
[:SENSe]:ACP:DYNamic[n]:RANGe[m] HIGH|NORMal|MODified
Select a dynamic range optimization.
High - chooses settings that provide better dynamic range (better
signal to noise ratio) at the expense of longer measurement times.
This is a better choice for CDMA signals with multiple carriers
turned on at the same time.
Normal - lets the measurement automatically choose settings that
trade off dynamic range for faster measurement speed. This is a good
choice for making CDMA measurements on a signal with only one
carrier turned on at a time.
Modified- is not a customer settable option. This choice is
automatically selected depending on your selection of other related
settings in the advanced measurement setup, like the number of
FFT segments.
Dynamic[n] n=1 BTS, n=2 MS
Range[m] m=1 IS-95A, m=2 J-STD-008
n=1, m=1 BTS and IS-95A
n=1, m=2 BTS and J-STD-008
n=2, m=1 MS and IS-95A
n=2, m=1 MS and J-STD-008
Factory Preset
and *RST: NORMal
Remarks: You must be in the cdmaOne mode to use this
command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.