Agilent Technologies E4406A VSA Satellite Radio User Manual

102 Chapter 2
Programming Fundamentals
Using the LAN to Control the Analyzer
Controlling Your Analyzer with SICL LAN and BASIC for UNIX
(Rocky Mountain BASIC)
Before you can use Rocky Mountain Basic (HPRMB) with SICL LAN,
you will need to set up the SICL LAN I/O drivers for HPRMB. Consult
your system administrator for details.
Create a .rmbrc file in your root directory of your UNIX workstation
with the following entries:
Interface 8= lan[analyzer IP address]:GPIB name;NORMAL
Replace analyzer IP address with the IP address of your analyzer,
and GPIB name with the GPIB name given to your analyzer. Also
replace the 8 of Interface 8 with the logical unit number. Consult
your HPRMB documentation for the exact syntax.
After your SICL driver is configured correctly on your UNIX
workstation, you control your analyzer using commands such as the
ENTER 818; S$
where 18 is the device address for the analyzer.