DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-221ATM-NTWK (ATM Network Error)
47 (a) Resource unavailable, unspecified. This cause is used to report a
resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the resource
unavailable class applies.
49 (a) Quality of Service unavailable. This cause is used to report that the
requested Quality of Service cannot be provided.
51 (a) User cell rate not available. This cause is used to report that the
requested ATM Traffic Descriptor is unobtainable.
57 (a) Bearer capability not authorized. This cause indicates that the user
has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the
equipment which generated this cause but the user is not authorized
to use.
58 (a) Bearer capability not presently available. This cause indicates that the
user requested a bearer capability implemented by the equipment
that generated the cause but is not available at this time.
63 (a) Service or option not available, unspecified. This cause is used to
report a service or option not available event only when no other
cause in the service or option not available class applies.
65 (a) Bearer capability not implemented. This cause indicates that the
equipment sending this cause does not support the bearer capability
73 (a) Unsupported combination of traffic parameters. This cause indicates
that the combination of traffic parameters contained in the ATM traffic
descriptor information element is not supported.
78 (a) AAL parameters cannot be supported.
81 (a) Invalid call reference value. This cause indicates that the equipment
sending this cause has received a message with a call reference
which is not currently in use on the user-network interface.
82 (a) Identified channel does not exist. This cause indicates that the
equipment sending this cause has received a request to use a
channel not activated on the interface for a call.
88 (a) Incompatible destination. This cause indicates that the equipment
sending this cause has received a request to establish a call which
has Broadband low layer information, Broadband high layer
information, or other compatibility attributes which cannot be
Table 9-95. Error Codes and Aux Data values ATM-NTWK — Continued
Cause Code/
Error Type
Data Cause Codes Description