DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-27Logging On
For security reasons, the password is not displayed as you type it. The
system verifies that a valid login and password name were entered. If an
invalid login or password name was entered, the screen displays
In this case you must repeat the procedure. If your password has expired
or is within 7 days of the expiration day, you see a error message:
Your Password has expired; enter a new one
Old Password:
New Password:
WARNING: your password will expire in xx days
If the system recognizes the login and password name, the screen
displays the software version number followed by the prompt:
Terminal Type (Enter 513, 4410, 4425, or VT220):
4. Depending on your terminal type, enter one of the following:
5. You can deactivate INADS alarm origination whenever you log in as craft.
After you supply the terminal type information requested, the system will
display the following if alarm origination is activated on the Maintenance
System-Parameters screen:
Suppress Alarm Origination: [y]
The default answer is yes. If you do NOT wish to suppress alarm
origination, enter
. Any other entry will default to yes. The
command will work regardless of whether you have overridden
INADS alarm origination.
6. The screen will display:
enter command:
The system is now ready to execute maintenance commands. Press the
HELP key to display a list of all valid entries.
If you have a High-Priority Bulletin Board Message, the command line
prompt will include the following notification to all users who are logged in:
-High-Priority Bulletin Board Messages Entered:
Terminal Type Entry
513 BCT 513 (default)
715 BCS 513 (default)
4410 Data Terminal 4410
4425 Data Terminal 4425
DEC VT220 VT220