DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-212set tone-clock
Input Form
An input form with the following fields is displayed. The current time, or default
time will be displayed in the fields.
set tone-clock
set tone-clock UUC [override]
On port networks with duplicated Tone-Clocks, this command is used to select
which of the two Tone-Clock circuit packs is to be active.
In EPNs, the A-carrier Tone Clock is the
Tone-Clock. It is always active
unless a failure, maintenance testing, or use of this set command has caused an
interchange to the B-carrier Tone-Clock. If you have used this command during a
maintenance session, set the EPN Tone-Clock back to the A carrier when you are
finished, assuming it is healthy. Tone-Clock interchanges executed by scheduled
daily maintenance cause the standby to become active for 20 seconds and then
interchange back to whichever Tone-Clock was originally active.
Cabinet number defaults to 1.
Day of the Week:
Valid entries are Monday through Sunday.
Day of the Month:
1-31 are valid entries. A check for leap year is also made.
January through December.
The year must be saved as translation data and passed to the
kernel whenever kernel memory is corrupted (system reboot or
cold I restart), or the data is changed.
0-23 are valid entries.
0-59 are valid entries.
This field is reset automatically and cannot be altered.
set time Page 1 of 1
Day of the Week: _________ Month: _________
Day of the Month: __ Year: ____
Hour: __ Second:
Minute: __