DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-296status port-network
The number of warning alarms logged against the Port Network that is
being displayed.
The cabinet and carrier locations of each carrier in the Port Network.
PNC Status
Active (and Standby if PNC is duplicated) Port Network Connectivity
(PNC) status for the specified port network is displayed. The PNC Status
of a port network is determined by the availability of the Expansion
Archangel Link (EAL) and Indirect Neighbor Link (INL) to the port
network. A status of "up" denotes that the EAL and INL are both available.
A status of "down" is displayed when the EAL and INL are both
unavailable. When the EAL is available, but the INL is unavailable, a
status of "near-end" is displayed. A status of "far-end" is displayed when
the INL is available and the EAL is unavailable. When the EAL is
unavailable (far-end), tone clock, tdm bus, and packet bus information
will be blank.
This field displays the fiber-link number associated with all fiber links
having an Expansion Interface circuit pack endpoint residing in the
specified Port Network. The fiber connectivity side will also be displayed
(i.e. "A-PNC" or "B-PNC").
The physical position of each Expansion Interface board that is an
endpoint for a fiber link in the specified Port Network is displayed as
“UUcSS.” “UU” represents the cabinet number, “c” represents the
carrier, and “SS” represents the slot position. The simplex PNC
configuration will display only one Expansion Interface pair, while the
duplex PNC configuration will display two Expansion Interface pairs
separated by a hyphen (-). If blanks are displayed it means the endpoints
could not be retrieved by software.
The mode is the current role of the link. A mode of "active" means the link
is providing normal circuit and control functions for the Port Network. A
mode of "standby" means the link is part of a duplicated system and is
ready to perform its functions but is not active. If blanks are displayed it
means that PNC is not duplicated, or the mode could not be retrieved
from software.
The TDM bus identifier associated with the Port Network is displayed.
The TDM bus ("a" or "b") specifies which half of the TDM bus is being
The operational state of the TDM bus. A TDM bus service state of "in"
means the bus is in normal operation. A TDM bus service state of "out"
means the bus has failed certain maintenance tests and has been taken
out of service, or the maintenance object has been demand busied out.
This field shows whether the TDM bus has the control channel on it
(“y”/”n”). Only one TDM bus of a TDM bus pair on each Port Network can
have the control channel on it at a given time. If the system does not
contain an EPN, blanks appear in this field.