DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-350test led
test led
test led [all | cabinet UU | port-network PN# | switch-node SN# | a-pnc |
b-pnc] [repeat #]
This command verifies that a specified cabinet, port network, PNC or switch
node is recognized by the system. It is also useful for identifying a port network,
cabinet, or PNC (A or B).
test led
is entered, the red, green and yellow circuit pack LEDs are turned
on until all administered carriers in the specified group have been lit for 2
seconds. They are then turned off in the same order in which they came on. The
cycle can be repeated a number of times with the
option. Once all of the
repeat cycles are completed, all affected LEDs are restored to reflect their
current status.
test link
test link link [short | long] [repeat | clear] [schedule]
This command verifies that the specified link is administered and performs a
series of tests on the link.
Each link is identified by a number (1-16) assigned on the
Communication-Interface Links form.
Display communication-interface
shows the location and identification of each link.
The location of the port on a Packet Gateway circuit pack associated with the
link being tested.