624 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
MCP Master Control Process
MD Mount Daemon
MIB Management
Information Base
MIM Media Information
Message for a defective cartridge, only 3590-
MBK Magnetbandkassette
Magnetic tape cartridge
MM Multi Mode
MSGMGR Message Manager One instance in CentricStor. Filters and
stores the system messages of the ISPs and
beforehand takes defined measures (e.g.
Service Call, sending SMSs, etc.). The MS-
GMGR is also responsible for forwarding the
system messages to the user interface.
OCI Operator Command
PCI Peripheral Component In-
Bus standard for connecting peripherals with
the chip set of a processor
PD Physical Drive Physical drive hooked up to IDP
PDS Physikalischer Device
Software to control a PD
PERFLOG Performance Logger One instance in each CentricStor. Obtains
and stores the performance data. Supplies
the performance data to Global Status.
PID Process ID
PL Physical Library e.g. AML/x, STK9310, STK L180
PLM Physical Library
Manages all physical library resources (PLs,
PDs PVs)
PLS Physical Library Server Software to control a PL
PS Power Supply
PV Physical Volume The real cartridge
PVG Physical Volume Group Container for PVs, rules are valid for whole
Abbreviation Long form Explanation