U41117-J-Z125-7-76 609
AutoVLP failover function
As the VLP Master plays a central role in the CentricStor system, failure of the VLP
Master also causes the entire system to fail. To prevent this, a standby Standby VLP
(SVLP) can be integrated into the system as a backup computer. This SVLP is inactive
except for the monitoring function.
The AutoVLP failover function checks the functional integrity of the VLP Master at regular
intervals and, when it detects a malfunction, automatically takes the requisite steps: the
current VLP Master is split from the system and the SVLP is integrated into the system
as the current VLP Master. The system is then once more fully operational.
➟ section “Automatic VLP failover” on page 52
Battery Backup Unit ➟ BBU
Emergency power supply which, in the event of a power outage, retains the data which
has not been saved in the memory for an unspecified time.
In the manual the term cache is sometimes used not only in its general sense but as a
synonym for Tape Volume Cache (TVC) or Tape Filesystem (TFS).
Cache File System ➟ TFS
Cache Mirroring Feature ➟ CMF
The Cache Mirroring Feature (CMF) is used to ensure data security and to provide
greater protection against data loss as the result of disasters. The data stored on the
internal hard disk system is mirrored synchronously to a second cluster location. This
is done over Fibre Channel connections, also when large distances are involved. Even
if a location is completely destroyed, all the data which was saved on such a CentricStor
configuration will consequently be available.