U41117-J-Z125-7-76 483
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXPS006 PLS(#4006) ERROR: <robot error message>
A general robot error which is not necessarily traceable to a device or a cassette.
The meaning of the error message can be found in the relevant robot documentation.
The robot error messages are mostly self-explanatory.
Typical reasons for errors include:
● Communication errors:
– LAN connection to the AMU PC or ACSLS server is defective
– Incorrect IP address for the AMU PC or ACSLS server in the VLP
– Incorrect IP address for the VLP in the AMU PC (Check of file \mptn\etc\hosts
in AMU-PC)
– There is no address for the AMU PC or ACSLS server in the VLP’s /etc/hosts
– There is no system name (SYSNAME in vtls.conf) in the VLP’s /etc/hosts
– Client not defined in robot software (AMU-PC, LMF Lite Server)
● Robot problems
– Error in the configuration file of the AMU PC (in the case of ADIC-AML robots)
– Cartridge is jammed
– Cartridge has fallen out of the grab attachment, etc.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXPS007 PLS(#4007):ERROR: <PDS-name>: <robot error message>
The robot is experiencing difficulties loading or unloading the device designated by the PDS
Notify maintenance staff.
SXPS008 PLS(#4008) ERROR: 'vsn' <robot error message>
The robot has difficulty loading or unloading the cassette described by ’vsn’.
Check the cassette described by 'vsn'. There may be a problem in reading the barcode.
SXPS096 PLS(#996) NOTICE: Stop `PLS-name` for Maintenance
The PLS `PLS-name` was stopped via the GUI.