106 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricStor
Starting GXCC via Exceed
Ê Start Exceed (preferably via the Windows autostart function).
Ê Choose “Xstart”.
Ê Activate the Start menu as shown in the following example:
The user ID is tele, and the password entered must be the appropriate tele password.
The GXCC password is requested later in accordance with the desired operating mode.
Host contains the IP address of the ISP to be addressed (generally the VLP).
The “Command” input field contains a sequence of commands separated by “;”. The
first command indicates the host IP address and screen number of the display to be
selected. Following “export DISPLAY”, GXCC is called with all the start parameters
you desire (apart from -display). You must specify the mode (here -user) if Observe
mode is not desired. Other parameters are possible in accordance with the description
in the section “Command line” on page 95.
The absolute path (/use/apc/bin/gxcc) must be used when calling GXCC.
You can enter any comment in the “Description” field.
Ê These settings can be saved by choosing “File” ➟ “Save” or “Save as”.