U41117-J-Z125-7-76 529
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXVW031 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#031) AutoVLP-failover: internal or external LAN connection
is not configured; terminated!
SXVW031 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#031) AutoVLP-failover: please correct the LAN-connection
and reboot the system!
Less than 2 LAN interfaces are configured, and this means that the internal or external LAN
is not configured.
Check the LAN configuration and configure the missing interface.
SXVW032 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#032) AutoVLP-failover: switch_SVLP_to_VLP!
The switchover of “SVLP to VLP” has been started. This message can only occur on the
current SVLP.
SXVW033 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#033) AutoVLP-failover: switch SVLP_to_VLP is running!
The switchover of “SVLP to VLP” is running. This is logged every 30 seconds with this
SXVW034 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#034) AutoVLP-failover: switch SVLP_to_VLP end with
nothing todo!
The switchover of “SVLP to VLP” has been completed and nothing needed to be done; the
current ISP is already the VLP. This message can only occur after the AutoVLP failover
function has been started for the first time.
SXVW035 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#035) AutoVLP-failover: %s not configured for mirror!
The mirror key exists but the RAID node is not configured for CMF.
SXVW036 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#036) AutoVLP-Failover: wait max. 420 seconds before a
failover after boot, if VLP is not alive
The SVLP waits for 7 minutes in its boot phase for a sign of life from the VLP. If there is no
sign of life after this period has elapsed the switchover of “SVLP to VLP” is started.
SXVW037 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#037) AutoVLP-Failover: wait max. 300 seconds before a
failover after start, if VLP is not alive
The AutoVLP failover function has been started on the SVLP and the latter is not in the boot
phase. A sign of life from the VLP is waited for for 5 minutes. If there is no sign of life after
this waiting time the switchover of “SVLP to VLP” is started.
This message can only occur on the current SVLP.