274 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
History data Global Status
After you click on “OK” or “Refresh” the following window appears:
The following data is displayed:
pos Line number
LVG Name of the logical volume group
PVG1 Name of the first or only assigned physical volume group, or -===== if empty
PVG2 Name of the second assigned PVG (if assigned - Dual Save), or -===== if
LVs Number of logical volumes in this group
pending jobs Number of jobs which the PLM has accepted for this LVG.
recover jobs Number of logical volumes in a dual-save group detected when starting the
PLM for which only a single save has been performed. Another save is
performed automatically so that 2 copies are avilable again. The list of these
LVs can be viewed when a special LV group is output.
lv-size Size of the logical volumes:
STD Standard = 900 MB
EXT_x Extended: x specifies the volume size in GB (2, 5, 10, 20, 50,
100 or 200)