454 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message lines Explanation of console messages
The message is only significant for external FC controllers. The abortion may have been
initiated either by the SAN host or CentricStor. <host> contains the 4 most significant bytes
of the host WWN. A data transfer (read/write) is generally aborted, and the user receives
an error message.
The message can be ignored for the internal FC controllers because the SCSI target
interface is not used here for data transfers. If the message occurs for an external FC
controller, the service must be notified.
SXFC050 stgt<num>.XX: protocol <num> registered twice
A configuration error has been located (e.g. an inconsistent 'vtls.conf').
Notify maintenance staff.
9.2.7 SXFP... (FibreChannel Driver)
SXFP033 A02-ICPB : FC5: RESET controller initiated
After a hardware or firmware defect, an attempt is made to reset the module. Once this has
been completed, you can, in most cases, continue to work normally. IOs during the period
of the reset may be aborted with an error, however.
SXFP040 fcpal<n> (sadm<m>): cannot abort job on target <t> lun <l>
SXFP040 fcpal<n> (sadm<m>): will not abort job on target <t> lun <l> anymore! Use manual
After a timeout (see previous message SXSB007 on page 495) an attempt is made to stop
the command that was sent. The attempt fails (cannot abort). The second variant of the
message (will not abort) only occurs with tape devices and indicates that only a bus
reset will rectify the error.
Check the device specified in the message (when <m> = 12 or 13 it is generally a RAID
system, when <m> = 14 or 15 a tape device). The bus reset is executed on the GUI (XTCC)
using the SCSI controller function Reset Controller.