Features of the C614
1.1 Features of the C614
Advanced, integrated speech synthesizer for high quality sound
Operates up to 8 MHz (performs up to 8 MIPS)
Very low-power operation, ideal for hand-held devices
Low voltage operation, sustainable by three batteries
Reduced power stand-by modes, less than 10 µA in deep-sleep mode
Supports high-quality synthesis algorithms such as MELP, CELP, LPC,
Contains 32K words onboard ROM (2K words reserved)
640 words RAM
40 general purpose, bit configurable I/O
8 inputs with programmable pullup resistors and a dedicated interrupt
16 dedicated output pins
Direct speaker driver, 32 Ω (PDM)
One-bit comparator with edge-detection interrupt service (IMPORTANT:
Not currently supported)
Resistor-trimmed oscillator or 32-kHz crystal reference oscillator
Serial scan port for in-circuit emulation and diagnostics
The MSP50C614 is sold in die form; an emulator device for the
MSP50C614 is sold in a ceramic package for development.