CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 71
Pressing the button takes you to the OUTPUT LEVELS page where you can control the
audio output of the program from the CD3000XL. You will receive this screen display:
At the top right of the screen is the currently selected program name - in EDIT SINGLE, this may
be changed and another selected for editing by scrolling with the DATA control.
The parameters on the left of the screen set parameters concerned with output routing and
levels, etc.. They are as follows:
This sets the level 0-99 of the program as it appears at the L/R stereo
outputs. Adjusting this has no effect on the level of the signal
appearing at the individual outputs or the real-time digital outputs.
By setting this field to 00, you may use this parameter to mix a program
out of the L/R mix completely if you are sending it to an individual
output (see below). In this way, you may have some programs
appearing only at the L/R outputs with other programs appearing only
at the individual outputs.
This sets the overall pan position of the program. You can set the
parameter L50-MID-R50. You will note that this may be affected by
other pan settings elsewhere in the program such as when the auto
pan facilities are used or when individual keygroups are panned.
You will note that this parameter also affects the level of the signal
appearing at the individual outputs (see below) and at the real-time
digital audio output.
This allows you to select which of the 8 individual outputs the whole
program will appear at. The default is OFF and you may select 1-8. You
will note that these outputs are polyphonic and can use the full 32-
voice polyphony of the CD3000XL.
NOTE: This parameter works in conjunction with a field found in SMP2 (see below) where it is
possible to route single keygroups to the individual outputs
This sets the level 0-99 of the signal appearing at the output selected
above. If OFF is selected, then this control has no effect.
This sets the FX channel the program is routed to. You may select
OFF, FX1, FX2, RV3, RV4
This sets the effects send level 0-99 going to the selected effects