CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 237
By using this filter, you can control the response of the CD3000XL to MIDI events. By filtering
out aftertouch on a percussion program where it is not needed, for instance, you can improve
the response of the CD3000XL when a lot of MIDI data is received.
Pressing the key (F3) will display this screen:
This page has no parameters. Instead, it provides a real-time display of all Note On information
received on the 16 MIDI channels. The higher the bar on the display, the greater the velocity of
the received note. This page is called ‘PPMs’ because it simulates the behaviour of audio bar-
graph Peak Program Meters.
Under normal circumstances when playing the CD3000XL from a MIDI keyboard, you will
receive a display such as is shown above with the bar graph showing incoming MIDI on the
selected channel but, when sequencing multi-timbrally on several channels, you will see a
display such as:
This is a very useful page that allows you to track down any problems you may be experiencing
when sequencing. For example, if a part isn’t sounding, you can check if the CD3000XL is
receiving MIDI on its channel. If it is, then it may be some other problem such as wrong output
assignment, channel fader on the mixer not open, the sound hasn’t loaded, etc..