Akai CD3000XL Stereo Receiver User Manual

Page 144 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
Pressing in either the TRIM, LOOP or SLCT pages will display this screen:
Here you may set new levels for the selected sample and also normalise it.
Normalising is a technique where the sampler will analyse the loudest part of a signal and then
adjust the whole sound to be at its optimum level - i.e. the loudest part of the signal is at the
unit’s maximum level before distortion and the rest of the sound is brought up in level
proportionately. This increases signal to noise ratio and dynamic range. It also allows you to
compensate for recordings made at too low a level. This page also allows you to set your own
level for gain re-scaling if you wish. You may process in mono or stereo (although selecting
stereo is pretty pointless if it’s a mono sample!)
To normalise a sound, simply press . If you have not named a new sample for the
normalised version to be copied to, you will receive the prompt:
to which you must respond accordingly by pressing GO or ABORT. After a ‘BUSY’ message,
the new sample will be displayed showing the new level.
To re-scale a sample to a level of your own choosing, simply move the cursor to the
field, enter a value and press . Again, you will receive the usual
prompts if you haven’t created a new sample to copy to and after a few seconds, you will see
the sample scaled to the value you set.
NOTE 1: Please be careful when using RESCALE because it is possible to overload the unit
if you set this value too high.
NOTE 2: Please also note that whilst normalise and rescale can save the day on many
occasions when you have recorded a sample at too low a level, it can increase noise levels. For
example, if the sample is very quiet, as you boost the level, you will also boost the noise floor.
Setting, for example, a rescale value of +15dB to bring the level up to maximum will also boost
the noise level by 15dB. Please bear this in mind when using these functions.