Page 160 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
In this page, you may join two samples end to end, crossfade them and merge them. This can
be very interesting for creating long, evolving sounds and big, thick orchestral and synth
textures. Pressing will display this screen:
The samples to be joined together are known here as A and B, and the resulting JOINed
sample is called J. Though A and B can be the same sample, the resulting (J) sample cannot be
the same as either A or B. Press the NAME key to enter a new sample name for the sample J.
Existing samples can be overwritten and therefore can be used for J.
As mentioned earlier, this page has three basic functions
This will copy part of a sample (A) to another (J)
This will splice two samples end to end. You may also crossfade the two
This will mix two samples together, effectively layering them on top of each