Page 138 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
The four cut options are:
This will take you out of the CUT screen and return you to the normal TRIM
page. Use this if you change your mind when trimming.
This will discard audio before the start point and after the end point you have
set manually. You will note that if the start or end points are within an active
loop zone, the CUT action will be ignored.
This will automatically cut audio to a few sample points before the start of the
first loop and a few sample points after the end of the last loop irrespective of
where you may have manually set the start and end points on the TRIM page.
Usually, most people use only one loop and so audio will be discarded just
before the start and just after the end of that loop. In the case where more than
one loop is used, the S3200 will automatically work out where the end of the
last loop is and where the cut will be made.
This area retained
These areas discarded
This may be used when editing sounds that don’t have a definite attack. For
example, when sampling detuned synth waveforms, you only really need the
loop portion in the middle of the sample so audio either side of that can be
discarded. Similarly, when sampling single cycle synth waveforms, you can
free a lot of space by discarding audio either side of the loop points.
This will discard sample data before the start point you have set manually and
after the end of the last active loop.
This area retained
These areas discarded
This option should be used when editing sounds that have a pronounced
attack which you don’t wish to lose but where there is audio data after the loop
points which is unnecessary and which can be discarded.
NOTE: This is a destructive process and, unless you have saved this sample to disk, pressing
any of the CUT options here will irrevocably erase the data either side of the start and end