Digitizers Command Reference 89Chapter 3
REAL Format Data: Data are returned as real numbers when the data format
is set to REAL (see FORMat[:DATA] REAL). The data are returned in
voltage units and no scaling conversion is required as with the PACKed
format. Readings are in an interleaved configuration.
IEEE-488.2 Headers: Both PACKed and REAL formats return data preceded
by the IEEE-488.2 definite length arbitrary block header. The header is #
<num_digits> <num_bytes>, where
• # signifies a block transfer
• <num_digits> is a single digit (1 through 9) which specifies how
many digits (ASCII characters) are in <num_bytes>
• <num_bytes> is the number of data bytes which immediately
follow the <num_bytes> field
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:EXTernal:FREQuency <freq> specifies the externally
supplied timebase frequency. This command is not required unless
ROSCillator:SOURce is EXTernal. The default timebase is the INTernal
Comments Sample Periods: The frequency parameter value is used to calculate sample
periods when the sample source is set to TIMer. The sample period must be
at least 1.250E-6 seconds (800 kHz), and must be an integral multiple of the
timebase period 1.0E-7 seconds when the timebase source is INTernal).
Period values will be rounded to the nearest period the instrument can
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: frequency = 10.0 MHz
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:EXTernal:FREQuency? queries the external frequency.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
freq numeric 9.9E3 Hz to 30E6 Hz N/A