
80 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
Comments Maximum Samples: The total number of readings is limited to at most
16,777,215 for the 4-channel E1564A Digitizer and 33,554,431 for the
2-channel E1563A Digitizer, depending on the amount of memory on the
card. The following describes the limits with the different memory options.
If a number greater than the maximum is set, the digitizer goes to continuous
mode and SAMPle:COUNt? returns 0. If no readings are pulled out while
running, the digitizer will stop at MAX -1 + 250 (MAX for FIFO and CACHE).
E1563A (2-channel) E1564A (4-channel)
Memory Size Maximum Samples Maximum Samples
4 MBytes 1,048,575 524,287
8 MBytes 2,096,151 1,048,575
16 MBytes 4,194,303 2,097,151
32 MBytes 8,388,607 4,194,303
64 MBytes 16,777,215 8,388,607
128 MBytes 33,554,431 16,777,215
Pre-Trigger Sample Required: One pre-trigger sample is required to get the
above maximums. The maximum is one less if pre-trigger count is zero.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: NO
Reset (*RST) condition: All channels set to 1 sample
SAMPle:COUNt? [MIN | MAX] returns the number of samples each channel
will make. The number of samples returned is common to all channels.
SAMPle[:IMMediate] is generally used only when the sample source is HOLD
to take a single reading when the digitizer is in the wait-for-sample state.
SAMPle:PRETrigger:COUNt <count> | MIN | MAX sets the number of
pretriggers (number of readings that will occur before the trigger event
occurs). The count is common to all channels.