42 Using the Digitizers Chapter 2
Digitizers Application Examples
This section contains example programs that demonstrate some E1563A or
E1564A Digitizer applications. The examples list only the SCPI commands
required to perform the application. You can use these examples to help you
develop programs for your specific application
Introduction Example programs are provided on the VXIplug&play media that have been
compiled and tested using Microsoft® Visual C++™ Version 1.51 for the
C programs. All C language example programs are written for the 82341
GPIB Interface Card using the Agilent VISA I/O Library.
All projects written in C programming language require the following
Microsoft® Visual C++™ Version 1.51 settings to work properly:
• Project Type: QuickWin application (.EXE)
• Project Files: <source code file name>.C
[drive:]\VXIPNP\WIN\LIB\MSC\VISA.LIB (Microsoft® compiler)
[drive:]\VXIPNP\WIN\LIB\BC\VISA.LIB (Borland® compiler)
• Memory Model: Options | Project | Compiler | Memory Model Þ
• Directory Paths: Options | Directories
Include File Paths: [drive:]\VXIPNP\WIN\INCLUDE
Library File Paths: [drive:]\VXIPNP\WIN\LIB\MSC (Microsoft®)
[drive:]\VXIPNP\WIN\LIB\BC (Borland®)
• Example programs: On the Universal Instrument Drivers CD.
NOTE You can find instructions to compile C language programs for a PC in the
Agilent VISA User’s Guide. See the section "Compiling and Linking a
VISA Program".
Hardware Used PC running Windows with an 82341 GPIB interface. The VXI modules are
installed in a VXI C-Size mainframe. An E1406A Command Module is the
resource manager and is connected to the PC via an 82341 GPIB card.