Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter8 Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Configuring 802.1X Authentication
Default 802.1X Configuration
Table 8-1 shows the default 802.1X configuration.
Table 8-1 Default 802.1X Configuration
Feature Default Setting
Authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA)
RADIUS server
• IP address
• UDP authentication port
• Key
• None specified.
• 1812.
• None specified.
Per-interface 802.1X enable state Disabled (force-authorized).
The port sends and receives normal traffic without
802.1X-based authentication of the client.
Periodic re-authentication Disabled.
Number of seconds between
re-authentication attempts
3600 seconds.
Quiet period 60 seconds (number of seconds that the switch remains in
the quiet state following a failed authentication exchange
with the client).
Retransmission time 30 seconds (number of seconds that the switch should
wait for a response to an EAP request/identity frame
from the client before resending the request).
Maximum retransmission number 2 times (number of times that the switch will send an
EAP-request/identity frame before restarting the
authentication process).
Multiple host support Disabled.
Client timeout period 30 seconds (when relaying a request from the
authentication server to the client, the amount of time the
switch waits for a response before resending the request
to the client.
Authentication server timeout period 30 seconds (when relaying a response from the client to
the authentication server, the amount of time the switch
waits for a reply before resending the response to the
server. This setting is not configurable.)