Emerson 9739 Satellite Radio User Manual

Configure Display Variable 1 to track the primary mA output
You can configure Display Variable 1 to track mA Output Process Variable for the primary mA
output. When tracking is enabled, you can control Display Variable 1 from the display menu.
This feature is the only way to configure a display variable from the display menus, and it applies only
to Display Variable 1.
Configure Display Variable 1 to track the primary mA output.
Display Variable 1 will automatically be set to match mA Output Process Variable for the primary
mA output. If you change the configuration of mA Output Process Variable, Display Variable 1
will be updated automatically.
5.1.3 Configure the precision of variables shown on the
Not available
ProLink II ProLink > Configuration > Display > Display Precision
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Display > Decimal Places > For Process Variables
Setting Display Precision determines the precision (number of decimal places) shown on the
display. You can set Display Precision independently for each variable.
Setting Display Precision does not affect the actual value of the process variable.
1. Select a process variable.
2. Set Display Precision to the number of decimal places you want shown when the
process variable appears on the display.
For temperature and density process variables, the default value is 2 decimal places.
For all other process variables, the default value is 4 decimal places. The range is
0 to 5.
The lower the selected precision, the greater the process change must be for it to be reflected
on the display. Do not set Display Precision value too low or too high to be useful.
Configure device options and preferences
Configuration and Use Manual 67