7 Completing the configuration
Topics covered in this chapter:
Back up transmitter configuration
Enable/disable HART security
Enable write-protection on the transmitter configuration
7.1 Back up transmitter configuration
ProLink II and ProLink III provide a configuration upload/download function which allows
you to save configuration sets to your PC. This allows you to back up and restore your
transmitter configuration. It is also a convenient way to replicate a configuration across
multiple devices.
One of the following:
• An active connection from ProLink II
This function is not available with any other communications tools.
To back up the transmitter configuration using ProLink II:
1. Choose File > Load from Xmtr to File.
2. Specify a name and location for the backup file, and click Save.
3. Select the options that you want to include in the backup file, and click Download
The backup file is saved to the specified name and location. It is saved as a text file and can
be read using any text editor.
Enable/disable HART security
You use the HART security switch located on the transmitter display to disable
configuration of the transmitter using HART protocol. When the HART security switch is
set to ON, HART protocol cannot be used to perform any action that requires writing to the
transmitter. For example, you cannot change the configuration, reset totalizers, perform
calibration, etc., using the Field Communicator or ProLink II with a HART/Bell 202 or HART/
RS-485 connection. When the HART security switch is set to OFF, no functions are
Completing the configuration
Configuration and Use Manual 125