The default setting for Volume Flow Measurement Unit is l/sec (liters per second).
If the measurement unit you want to use is not available, you can define a special measurement unit.
Options for Volume Flow Measurement Unit for liquid
The transmitter provides a standard set of measurement units for Volume Flow Measurement
Unit, plus one user-defined measurement unit. Different communications tools may use
different labels for the units.
Options for Volume Flow Measurement Unit for liquid applicationsTable 4-2:
Unit description
Display ProLink II ProLink III Field Communica-
Cubic feet per second
CUFT/S ft3/sec ft3/sec Cuft/s
Cubic feet per minute
CUF/MN ft3/min ft3/min Cuft/min
Cubic feet per hour
CUFT/H ft3/hr ft3/hr Cuft/h
Cubic feet per day
CUFT/D ft3/day ft3/day Cuft/d
Cubic meters per second
M3/S m3/sec m3/sec Cum/s
Cubic meters per minute M3/MIN
m3/min m3/min Cum/min
Cubic meters per hour
M3/H m3/hr m3/hr Cum/h
Cubic meters per day
M3/D m3/day m3/day Cum/d
U.S. gallons per second
USGPS US gal/sec US gal/sec gal/s
U.S. gallons per minute
USGPM US gal/min US gal/min gal/min
U.S. gallons per hour
USGPH US gal/hr US gal/hr gal/h
U.S. gallons per day
USGPD US gal/day US gal/day gal/d
Million U.S. gallons per day
MILG/D mil US gal/day mil US gal/day MMgal/d
Liters per second
L/S l/sec l/sec L/s
Liters per minute L/MIN
l/min l/min L/min
Liters per hour
L/H l/hr l/hr L/h
Million liters per day
MILL/D mil l/day mil l/day ML/d
Imperial gallons per second
UKGPS Imp gal/sec Imp gal/sec Impgal/s
Imperial gallons per minute
UKGPM Imp gal/min Imp gal/min Impgal/min
Imperial gallons per hour
UKGPH Imp gal/hr Imp gal/hr Impgal/h
Imperial gallons per day
UKGPD Imp gal/day Imp gal/day Impgal/d
Barrels per second
BBL/S barrels/sec barrels/sec bbl/s
(1) Unit based on oil barrels (42 U.S. gallons).
Configure process measurement
28 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters