4 - 42
4.4.10 Home position return automatic return function
If the current position is at or beyond the proximity dog in dog or count type home position return, you
need not make a start after making a return by jog operation or the like.
When the current position is at the proximity dog, an automatic return is made before home position
Home position
Home position return
start position
Proximity dog
Home position return direction
At a start, a motion is made in the home position return direction and an automatic return is made on
detection of the limit switch. The motion stops past the front end of the proximity dog, and home position
return is resumed at that position. If the proximity dog cannot be detected, the motion stops on detection
of the opposite limit switch and AL. 90 occurs.
Limit LS
Home position return
start position
Proximity dog
Home position return direction
Limit switc
Software limit cannot be used with these functions.