74 C1624M-F (9/07)
Exporting Video or Snapshots
If you do not want your video saved to the default export location (C:\Program Files\Pelco\Endura\GUI\Export) and default video format (Pelco
Video File), go to the Users tab of the Setup screen to change the default settings. Refer to Managing Users on page 121 for more information.
Use the Export Manager to track the progress of exported video clips by clicking the Export Manager icon located in status bar along the bottom
of the screen. Refer to Managing Exported Video on page 77 for information about using the Export Manager to monitor exported video clips.
Figure 90. Icons in the Status Bar
1. Move the pointer in the video pane until the video controls appear.
2. To start exporting, click Export . While video is being exported, the Export button blinks yellow alternating with green, the border of
the video pane turns red, and the workspace icon is replaced by a blinking Export icon.
3. To stop exporting, move the pointer in the video pane until the video controls appear, and then click the blinking yellow Export button.
4. The file is saved to your default Export location in your default video format.
Refer to Using the Endura Player on page 154 for information on opening exported files and playing them back.
To copy an exported file to a CD or DVD, use either the Nero
StartSmart CD/DVD-burning software installed on your Endura workstation or
another CD/DVD authoring software installed on your personal computer. Refer to the online help of the CD/DVD burning software for detailed
instructions on burning CDs and DVDs.
Figure 91. Export in Progress
1. Move the pointer in the video pane that is playing the recorded video clip until the video controls appear.
2. To start exporting, click Export . While video is being exported, the Export button blinks yellow alternating with green, the border of
the video pane turns red, and the Workspace icon is replaced by a blinking Export icon.
3. Use the fast forward control until you reach an end time for the exported video clip, and then click Export again. This will mark the end time
for the exported video clip. You can use the Export Manager to track the progress of the video clip.
4. To return to viewing live video, right-click in the video pane and then select Go to Live from the shortcut menu.