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Figure 171. Assigning Dates and Times
4. Set the script start and end times or select “All day”.
5. Set the start date, using one of three options:
• Click the Calendar button and then click a date to set the start date for your script.
• Type the date. Click in a date field, delete the current date, and then type the date you want to use for the start of your script.
• Use the date spinner boxes. Click the month field, then use the up and down arrows to scroll through the numbered months (1–12) until you
reach the month you want to use to starting the script. Repeat the same process for setting the date and the year.
6. Select “No end date,” or specify an end date using one of the three options listed above.
7. Select the recurrence pattern. Depending on which radio button you select, different settings appear:
• None. No recurrence pattern; no settings required.
• Weekly. The days of the week appear on the right. Click the check boxes of the days when you would like the script to recur.
• Monthly. Set which day (1–31) of the month and how many months apart (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) you would like the script to recur.
• Yearly. Set which month and day of the year you would like the script to recur.
8. Select an event to trigger the script.
• Click the Select Event button. A dialog box appears.
• Select an event (motion or alarm) or event group.
• Click OK to save the event selection. Click Clear Selection to remove all assigned event triggers. Click Cancel to close without saving the
new settings.
9. You may assign more than one set of dates, times, and events to a particular script. To add additional dates/times/events, repeat the
preceding steps.